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Keeping your Children Safe

“....for in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be........”

John Connolly. The Book of Lost Things(2006)


Safeguarding at Gateway
is at the centre of
everything we do.

 At Gateway Nursery, as an Ofsted registered setting, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS).


We are a registered ‘Good’ Provider and you can find our most recent Ofsted Report Here 




Keeping your children safe 

Safeguarding and Child Protection at Gateway is at the centre of everything we do.


For us, this is not just about maintaining our comprehensive written safeguarding policy that outlines our actions in the event of any concerns being raised around a child, their family, a member of our own staff or indeed any other significant person.


Safeguarding encompasses everything that we provide for children at Gateway and the way we work in delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), in every aspect of learning and development and welfare.


Our delivery of care aims not only to meet a child’s most basic needs, but to build upon those foundations in making all children feel secure and safe in their environment here - and with the people they relate closely to within our setting. We aim to give our parents peace of mind in the knowledge that their children are in safe and caring hands and are happy and stimulated throughout their time spent at nursery.


We believe that through our key worker system, we provide the opportunity for every child and their family to form a strong bond with their child’s allocated key person, who will plan around a child’s needs and interests accordingly. We understand that high levels of engagement between key workers and children in a safe, welcoming and quality environment are paramount in developing confident, curious and creative young explorers who develop a passion to learn.


By ensuring that we are satisfying a child’s needs throughout our day, we feel this allows your child to develop meaningful relationships with their peers and with others, to establish their self esteem and self belief and propel them forward to achieving their maximum potential before transitioning to their next stage of learning and development - be that to a new room or onto their journey to ‘big school’.


We recognise that there are children who may be without some components of basic need in their lives. We will always work closely with parents, colleagues and outside agencies in ensuring that we can obtain the best support for children and families at this nursery and offer the earliest help that we can, whether in-house or by referral to outside agencies - or referral to statutory services. The welfare of your child is always at the forefront of our actions.

We also recognise that children who attend the nursery will come from a wide range of backgrounds and will have a range of different experiences, opportunities, culture and cultural awareness, understanding, interests and abilities. 

Every child is unique, therefore we aim to ensure we provide learning-rich, fun opportunities at Gateway to support and enable every child to enjoy their learning, feel valued and achieve their full potential within our well resourced setting and with friendly, well-qualified staff.



We believe that the introduction of the revised EYFS in September 2021 will allow practitioners more time in securing stronger bonds with their key children and in identifying and bridging any such gaps or addressing any welfare concerns.



Through our partnership with parents, we will work to establish exactly what makes your child ‘tick’ and how best to provide for them between their home and nursery environments. We aim to enhance their child’s learning and development at a pace and in a way that is comfortable to each child

Our aim for every child is for them to ultimately achieve as much self-actualisation (achieving their full potential) and as much self- regulation (self-control and management of their own behaviour and certain aspects of learning) with the help of their key person and room staff. Where there appears to be any gap or barrier to this happening, we will always strive to ascertain the cause. 


As a fully inclusive setting we talk to children about diversity, disability and differences and celebrate a variety of festivals and worldwide days and events. We encourage children to be respectful to their peers, and to value each other. We promote kindness, manners and sharing and we always promote positive behaviour.




Other ways we keep your children safe include:

Other ways we keep your children safe include :


  • We maintain a wide spectrum of policies and procedures to which we adhere. These are written with the aim of remaining within our statutory guidelines whilst keeping everyone safe when working within or visiting our setting.

  • We are fully insured and carry extensive Personal Liability insurance.

  • We are fully registered with Ofsted, our regulatory body, to whom we report all significant issues and incidents - and by whom we are inspected in order to ensure our compliance. Our most recent successful inspection was on 2nd July 2021.

  • We have a well-qualified, well-trained, well-vetted and vigilant staff who all hold the required enhanced DBS certificate. 

  • We follow robust ‘safer recruitment’ policy and ‘ staff suitability’ policy to ensure that every member of staff is suitably qualified and suitably referenced to care for your children. 

  • Staff complete a ‘suitability to practice’ disclosure regularly, and undergo regular safeguarding training. There is always a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or deputy (DDSL) on site.

  • All staff have a sound understanding of our safeguarding and associated policies and can readily identify any child that they feel may be at any risk and the reasons/manifestations of behaviours associated with any such risk. 

  • We encourage all staff to be aware of and utilise our whistleblowing policy should they consider the practice of a colleague may be questionable and any accusation against a member of staff is referred to the relevant agencies without hesitation, where deemed necessary.

  • Staff undertake regular, ongoing training in a variety of subjects.

  • Almost every staff member who works directly with children holds a recognized Paediatric First Aid award.


  • Our premises have CCTV coverage of entrances and exits. 

  • We operate both coded and biometric door entry systems into the premises and green button door exit systems at adult height to exit the premises.

  • We are currently awaiting the installation of a new 2metre mesh fence to the front perimeter of our site in order that the entire perimeter is secure. 

  • All safety systems are inspected and serviced annually by reputable and relevant companies, including fire, electrics and gas. We also undertake a Legionalla test of water systems annually.



  • Our catering provision is inspected by Herefordshire Environmental Health and we currently hold a 5 star award for our provision and our adherence to the Food Standards Agency  ‘Safer Food, Better Business’ food safety management procedures.

  • Our chef holds a Level 3 award in Safer Food Hygiene whilst all other staff who prepare or handle snacks or cooking activities with children hold a Level 2 Food Hygiene Award.

  • We cater for numerous food allergies and intolerances and are actively recommencing a focus on children’s oral hygiene throughout the nursery since Herefordshire has been identified as having the highest rate of poor dental hygiene within the West Midlands.

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